Do I need therapy or counseling?

Do I Need Therapy or Consulting?

What type of help do you need? When deciding between therapy and consulting, it is necessary to consider:

  • What kind of help do you desire?
  • How will that help be given?
  • Is it going to be given in a way that will be most beneficial for you?

Therapy offers the opportunity to look deeply into your relationship to attain an understanding of where you are currently and how you arrived at this place. It is about looking at each of your individual pasts and experiences as well as your relationship history and experiences. Each partner has an opportunity to express their feelings and really feel heard. Therapy clients can talk about their resentments, how they came to have those resentments, and process them in order to be able to work through them. Therapy is about letting go, getting closure, and feeling better.

Consulting is about looking at where you are now in your relationship and then setting goals for what you want your relationship to look like. It is for someone who is ready to make changes but does not know what to do to achieve those changes. They are looking for someone to give them direction and walk them through how to reach their relationship goals.

The consulting I offer through my separate company, Strategic Relationship Consulting, is about learning my uniquely designed strategies, which have actionable step-by-step guidelines and giving you the opportunity to incorporate them each week. I also designed tracking sheets and questionnaires to complete, which I will then analyze before our next meeting. I call it “relationship data analysis.” I take the data analysis, adjust the strategies as needed, and offer more strategies as you move forward.

 If you feel therapy isn’t what you are wanting or needing at this time, but consulting is what you sense is best for you, please reach out through my relationship consulting website and I will connect with you quickly.

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