Los Angeles Marriage Counseling Options

Marriage is not always in a honeymoon stage. When the reality of life starts to bite, conflicts often arise that may sometimes cause irreparable damage to both parties. Differing opinions and attitudes often dampen the torch of love they both felt when they were dating. …

Family Counseling Playa Vista: The Key to Healthier Relationships

Everybody wants to have healthy, meaningful family relationships. However, personal and environmental issues can sometimes get in the way. An innocent remark, a thoughtless act can be misperceived as an affront to an existing relationship. And more often than not, to avoid confrontations, we just …

Family and Marriage Counseling in Playa Vista: Communication is Key

Our day-to-day lives can be full of stresses such that often, our relationships especially our family relations, suffer.  There might be feelings of too-much-work-to-do and confusions on who-will-do-what while running a home, not finding enough money to pay the bills, family members with health problems, …

Is the Beach Ball Effect Ruining Your Relationship?

Imagine taking a beach ball and pushing it under the water. How do you keep it there? You have to use pressure to hold it down beneath the surface. What happens when you loosen your grip just slightly? It pops to the surface with force.


Dear Stephanie:My husband and I have been married almost 9 years, as our anniversary is in a month. We have a 6 year old daughter and a 2 year old son. We both work and our schedules are very crazy with work, picking up and …


Dear Stephanie: At the end of last year I decided I wanted to make 2016 a very successful year for myself by making a resolutions list and sticking to it. Now that January is almost over I feel I haven’t made much progress and I …

Overwhelmed and Arguing

Dear Stephanie: It is that time of year where I feel so conflicted. I love the holidays and spending time with my family but I also seem to get so stressed out and overwhelmed. I feel that my patience level goes down and I tend …